Please note:
What is the difference between 5ghz & 2.4ghz Wi-Fi ?
But My router is new and has WiFi 6
”Pending Validation” is an expected and automated part of the wifi setup process. In many cases it will take 15-30 minutes, in some cases it can extend to 24 hours
What if I have been in pending Validation over 24 hours ?
the app may have passed the profile, but the device its blocked by a network setting or has been provided incorrect information for the wifi network. Please review troubleshooting page for clearing credentials and how to connect. If further assistance is required complete a, support form
**Note, All connected devices if eligible for an update will automatically receive an OTA (over the air) update. Your device screen may flicker off and on or Flash display readings for a short period indicating download / installation. Do Not Unplug device**